Mission Statement:
At Automat.Press our goal is to bring to you, the reader, high-quality, low-cost ebooks of otherwise forgotten titles and authors of mid-century crime and erotica.
To that end we strive to create well-designed ebooks that are easy to read, free of typos and with quality artwork.
We created this site so that we can have more control over the sales of our products and not be at the mercy of large retailers such as Amazon and Kobo where our titles get lost among tens of thousands of other titles.
But, most importantly, fans of the genres and time period mentioned above have a place to go to find these books all on one simple-to-use website. You can always get to it by typing automat.press into your browser.
One more note: we offer only epub files here because, as a universally-accepted open-source format, it provides the best quality to file-size ratio of all the various formats.
Of course, if you can’t convert these for use on your Kindle, these titles are still available on Amazon.com. But then you might ask yourself, “Do I really need a Kindle?”
Well, enjoy our ebooks—click on “Bookstore” on the menu above—and feel free to drop me a line if there are particular titles or authors you think have been neglected or if you find any typos or other errors in our books.
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